We Are Worthy: Part Two

We Are Worthy: Part Two

Last entry, I discussed my history with low self-worth and two major events post-diagnosis that started me on the path to leaving this negative way of living and thinking about myself behind. Sticking to my decisions and taking the integrative route I knew in my bones...
We Are Worthy: Part One

We Are Worthy: Part One

This past Mental Health Monday, I shared a video in the Facebook group where I talked about this slow realization that I’ve come to since being diagnosed. I’ll warn you at the outset that it’s going to require an open mind to see how I got to this realization, and...
Anticancer Smoothie

Anticancer Smoothie

One of the biggest changes I made after my diagnosis was my diet, and it wasn’t easy! Cutting out everything delicious sucked. No alcohol, no sugar, no processed wheat or carbs like pasta and bread, limited dairy; basically, everything I loved in the before-times 🤦‍♀️...
Find Your People

Find Your People

I get it. When I was first diagnosed, I wanted to hide in my apartment and not see anyone who wasn’t my family. I didn’t want to talk to people, to have them look at me with sympathy and sadness; that head-tilt-and-frown expression, almost always followed by, “Hey....

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