by Solis Cancer Community | May 16, 2020 | Testing and Tools
Like many women and men, I found my breast tumour myself. I never did regular (or, as I have now learned, proper) self exams; I would just have a superficial feel around every couple of months and sufficiently freak myself out about all the lumps and bumps I felt to...
by Solis Cancer Community | May 8, 2020 | Diet and Anti-Cancer Foods, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health
The day I was diagnosed with breast cancer was the most stressful day of my life, as I’m sure you can imagine. I was 28, alone at the appointment, and felt completely sideswiped. I was shocked. I was scared. My brain went into autopilot. Thinking back on it now, I am...
by Solis Cancer Community | Apr 30, 2020 | Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health, My Story
I just got my third annual MRI results, and, thank goodness, they were completely normal. It always takes a few minutes for the news to sink in. I hang up the phone. I text Jesse and my family right away. And then the tears gently start to fall. And then not so...
by Solis Cancer Community | Apr 14, 2020 | Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health, My Story
Last week, I talked about some of the more obvious things from the experience of a cancer patient that we can look to for tips on getting through the COVID-19 pandemic (find that Part 1 post here). Then there are the less visible or obvious things, which are all of...
by Solis Cancer Community | Apr 3, 2020 | Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health, My Story
I’m sure I am not alone in feeling like I have had a lot more time for thinking and reflection lately. In the midst of COVID-19 and having to isolate and social distance, there have been many more quiet moments filling my days than usual. And on top of that, crises...
by Solis Cancer Community | Mar 27, 2020 | Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health, Relationships and Cancer
As many will know, this winter I was lucky enough to cross something big off of my bucket list: a two-month trip to Southeast Asia. That in and of itself was extremely special; getting to see the beauty of parts of the world I had never explored before and getting to...