mental health

Take a Break

Take a Break

This past holiday weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend it at a friend’s cottage in Quebec. This cottage doesn’t get a cell signal and they don’t have wifi. It was a blissful break from the world, and it got me thinking about the importance of taking these...
Find Your People

Find Your People

I get it. When I was first diagnosed, I wanted to hide in my apartment and not see anyone who wasn’t my family. I didn’t want to talk to people, to have them look at me with sympathy and sadness; that head-tilt-and-frown expression, almost always followed by, “Hey....


Relating to people post-diagnosis can be difficult, contributing to the social anxiety that accompanies life with and after cancer. This is something I have struggled with; for example, not wanting to go to parties because I felt like that was all people could see...

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