My Story

Everything to do with my past history with cancer and the personal growth and positive change that I have discovered along the way. A good place to start if you are new to the blog :)

On My Cancerversary

On My Cancerversary

As a side note here, I don’t personally connect with the battle image of cancer, but I know some people hate when their battle with cancer is called a journey. Please insert whichever you prefer when reading my post 🙂 On this day, two years ago, my life changed...
We Are Worthy: Part Three

We Are Worthy: Part Three

After seeing the theta healer a second time and feeling freer than ever from the negative cycles of thinking I had been stuck in, I continued to work on building off of the release I felt and was happily able to get to a place where I truly forgave my partner. I had...
We Are Worthy: Part Two

We Are Worthy: Part Two

Last entry, I discussed my history with low self-worth and two major events post-diagnosis that started me on the path to leaving this negative way of living and thinking about myself behind. Sticking to my decisions and taking the integrative route I knew in my bones...

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