Diving deep into my journey with cancer and how it has forever changed me in so many unexpected ways with the hope that I inspire others to believe in their strength and their ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable challenges in their own lives.
Below are my most recent posts. I cover a wide array of topics; everything from diet and mental health tips and tools, to alternative therapies and new research, to my favourite anti-cancer and health products. So, check back often 🙂 Explore the subcategories under the “Blog” dropdown menu above to discover past posts, or if you are looking for something in particular, use the search bar above or to the right to see if I’ve written about it.
Detoxifying Green Juice
This week has a bit of a detox theme. On Monday, we were eliminating cancer cells through guided meditation. On Tuesday, I was discussing how I’ve started to work on “detoxing” old ways of thinking and feeling that have been dictating my life for far too long....
We Are Worthy: Part Three
After seeing the theta healer a second time and feeling freer than ever from the negative cycles of thinking I had been stuck in, I continued to work on building off of the release I felt and was happily able to get to a place where I truly forgave my partner. I had...
Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)
I’ve been watching some of The Anti-Cancer Revolution this week, and one of the doctors reminded me of Insulin Potentiation Therapy, a way of delivering conventional chemotherapy drugs that seems to reduce the overall toxicity of these drugs while still remaining...
We Are Worthy: Part Two
Last entry, I discussed my history with low self-worth and two major events post-diagnosis that started me on the path to leaving this negative way of living and thinking about myself behind. Sticking to my decisions and taking the integrative route I knew in my bones...
We Are Worthy: Part One
This past Mental Health Monday, I shared a video in the Facebook group where I talked about this slow realization that I’ve come to since being diagnosed. I’ll warn you at the outset that it’s going to require an open mind to see how I got to this realization, and...
My First 24-Hour Water Fast!
If you were watching the group’s stories last Friday, you will know that I did my first 24-hour water fast. I do daily intermittent fasting, where I leave 12 hours (sometimes a little more) between dinner the night before and breakfast the next morning, but I have...