8 Ways to Exercise Indoors

8 Ways to Exercise Indoors

We all know how important exercise is for lowering recurrence risks, and so I wanted to share with you some of the ways I will be exercising over the next few weeks while we’re in COVID-19 social isolation. Since I live in Canada where it can get pretty damn cold in...
My Anti-EMF Radiation Tips and Devices

My Anti-EMF Radiation Tips and Devices

Part of detoxing is limiting your exposure to things that may cause you harm. EMFs, or Electromagnetic Fields, are fields of energy emitted by electronic devices, appliances, powerlines, etc. They are commonly referred to as radiation, and they are getting more and...
On the Last Day of the Year

On the Last Day of the Year

There is something quite final about this day. Time moving on, holidays coming to a close, another year over. I wanted to take a little time today to reflect on the year that I have had. It has been really quite astounding when I think about it. We have a tendency to...

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