Sugar Substitutes

Sugar Substitutes

We all know that sugar isn’t great for us. There are the common reasons that everyone is aware of – the impact on our teeth, weight gain, and energy crashes – but there are a few reasons why sugar is particularly important to avoid if you have cancer, are...
Take a Break

Take a Break

This past holiday weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend it at a friend’s cottage in Quebec. This cottage doesn’t get a cell signal and they don’t have wifi. It was a blissful break from the world, and it got me thinking about the importance of taking these...
Coffee Enemas ☕️ – UPDATED

Coffee Enemas ☕️ – UPDATED

Of all the myriad of things I have done in the last two years to help support my body in healing, coffee enemas have got to be the one thing that I get strange looks about the most. And I don’t blame people, because I gave my naturopath the same look when she told me...
Detoxifying Green Juice

Detoxifying Green Juice

This week has a bit of a detox theme. On Monday, we were eliminating cancer cells through guided meditation. On Tuesday, I was discussing how I’ve started to work on “detoxing” old ways of thinking and feeling that have been dictating my life for far too long....
We Are Worthy: Part Three

We Are Worthy: Part Three

After seeing the theta healer a second time and feeling freer than ever from the negative cycles of thinking I had been stuck in, I continued to work on building off of the release I felt and was happily able to get to a place where I truly forgave my partner. I had...

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