Helané Wahbeh

Director of Research and Adjunct Assistant Professor

Helané Wahbeh is the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Wahbeh is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician and research trained with a Master of Clinical Research and two post-doctoral research fellowships. She has published on and spoken internationally about her studies on complementary and alternative medicine, mind-body medicine, stress, and posttraumatic stress disorder and their relationships to physiology, health and healing. Her current research interests include healing stress and trauma, examining mechanisms of mind-body medicine, and rigorously studying extended human capacities. She is also the author of Free To Be Me: A Journey of Transformation through Generational Healing, which you can purchase by visiting the link below.

What to expect in our interview:

  • Bridging the gap between the spiritual and the scientific
  • What the Noetic Sciences are and how Helané came to do the work that she does researching them
  • An overview of a number of the research projects that IONS has on the go right now, including one about the connections between developing breast cancer and experiencing traumas in one’s life
  • How one can start to heal traumas
  • What the best healing mindset is
  • How meditation plays a role in supporting healing on mental, emotional and spiritual levels

Find out more about IONS and the Noetic Sciences by visiting their website here

And if you are interested in purchasing her book, you can do that here

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