
Diving deep into my journey with cancer and how it has forever changed me in so many unexpected ways with the hope that I inspire others to believe in their strength and their ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable challenges in their own lives.

Below are my most recent posts. I cover a wide array of topics; everything from diet and mental health tips and tools, to alternative therapies and new research, to my favourite anti-cancer and health products. So, check back often 🙂 Explore the subcategories under the “Blog” dropdown menu above to discover past posts, or if you are looking for something in particular, use the search bar above or to the right to see if I’ve written about it.


Relating to people post-diagnosis can be difficult, contributing to the social anxiety that accompanies life with and after cancer. This is something I have struggled with; for example, not wanting to go to parties because I felt like that was all people could see...


The first hard decision after my diagnosis was how and when to tell people. This is something that can be, and was for me, extremely nerve-racking. How do you tell your loved ones something that like? How do you say it and when? And then all your friends, co-workers...

The Beginning
The Beginning

Life. There are many things that can have a profound effect on it; death of loved ones, loss of a relationship, major illness. If you are here, it is likely you have experienced something life altering, or maybe you are going through a difficult time and need to know you aren’t alone. Maybe you simply need a little inspiration, hope that things happen for a reason and that they will work out as they are supposed to. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you found your way here and I hope my words give you what you are looking for or help you find it.

Want support, resources, healing tips and tools, and more? Join us in the Orenda Cancer Community Facebook group!

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