Diving deep into my journey with cancer and how it has forever changed me in so many unexpected ways with the hope that I inspire others to believe in their strength and their ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable challenges in their own lives.
Below are my most recent posts. I cover a wide array of topics; everything from diet and mental health tips and tools, to alternative therapies and new research, to my favourite anti-cancer and health products. So, check back often 🙂 Explore the subcategories under the “Blog” dropdown menu above to discover past posts, or if you are looking for something in particular, use the search bar above or to the right to see if I’ve written about it.
Gratitude and Grateful Living
Gratitude. I didn’t know if I would ever feel it again after my diagnosis, but I think that’s because I didn’t really know what it was. Not on any deep level at least. I knew of it in theory, tried to feel it for things like the fact that I had a job in order to feel...
On My Cancerversary
On this day, two years ago, my life changed forever. It was an awful, terrifying, confusing, desperate change, at first.
Sugar Substitutes
We all know that sugar isn’t great for us. There are the common reasons that everyone is aware of - the impact on our teeth, weight gain, and energy crashes - but there are a few reasons why sugar is particularly important to avoid if you have cancer, are wishing to...
🍔🍦Summer Substitutes 🍺🍧
Summer is finally here! And that means sun, fun, and temptation. Next to Christmas, the summer seems to be the hardest time for me to stick to my diet. There are BBQs, parties, and weddings; oh my! I take the occasional day off, usually for a wedding, but I can’t do...
Take a Break
This past holiday weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend it at a friend’s cottage in Quebec. This cottage doesn’t get a cell signal and they don’t have wifi. It was a blissful break from the world, and it got me thinking about the importance of taking these...
Coffee Enemas ☕️ – UPDATED
Of all the myriad of things I have done in the last two years to help support my body in healing, coffee enemas have got to be the one thing that I get strange looks about the most. And I don’t blame people, because I gave my naturopath the same look when she told me...