Reconnect – Discover – Heal

Solis Cancer Community

Our Mission

Solis Cancer Community is a blog and online community that physically, mentally, and emotionally supports cancer patients past and present, caregivers, and those serious about prevention. It is for those wishing to learn more about the integrative cancer treatment options out there and how to overhaul their lifestyle to heal and prevent cancer. Our mission is to raise awareness about integrative treatment routes, provide reliable and helpful information and education to those seeking a holistic and whole-person approach to their cancer treatment and risk reduction, and to welcome all healing paths (conventional, alternative, or both) with no judgements or biases. We are on a search for truth, meaning, support, healing, and personal growth so that we may all thrive through cancer and beyond. Cancer is a team sport; welcome to your team!


I’m Rebecca

When I was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer at 28, my life did a complete 180. The more I researched, read, and watched, the more I found out about the benefits of an integrative treatment route. Now, I am an integrative cancer care advocate and educator, focusing particularly on holistic cancer risk reduction and supporting mental and emotional health throughout a cancer journey. Find out more in the “About Me” section, check out the blog above, and see what freebies I have on offer! If you have any questions at all or you would like to work with or interview me, please reach out below. 

What I Do


In my blog, I dive deep into my journey with cancer and how it has forever changed me in so many unexpected ways with the hope that I inspire others to believe in their strength and their ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable challenges in their own lives. Check it out to find posts on mental and emotional health, my story, integrative treatments, diet, supplements, and more.

Courses and Events

Check out the shop to learn more about our flagship course and expert interview series. Clarity in the Cancer Chaos is your starting place for holistic cancer risk reduction to prevent recurrence or first time occurrence using the Solis North Star Strategy. With our interview series, Heal Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, you will hear from 15 experts on how best to support your mental and emotional health after a cancer diagnosis.

Online Community

Join us in the FREE Solis Cancer Community Facebook group. Each week, I share mental health tips, blog posts, resources, new research, recipes, lessons cancer has taught me, and more! Come check it out and find support in a community of people who just get it, while learning about integrative cancer care and how to navigate this beast called cancer.




"I have known Rebecca for many years now, and as a Naturopathic Doctor, I am always impressed with her up to date cancer research, investigation, enthusiasm, and positive outlook on life. She is an incredible resource for anyone who has been impacted directly or indirectly from cancer. She understands the complexity of the disease, not only physically, but the impact it has mentally."

 – Dr. Lori Bouchard, ND, BHSc, and Best Selling Author of “Live Longer and Stronger with Breast Cancer”

“Having been diagnosed with breast cancer, I was lost. Rebecca has literally been my North Star. Her constant willingness to help guide me every step of the way and teach me about her healing path and tools I can use is unmatched - even by my doctors! She genuinely cares and goes above and beyond educating and sharing ways to heal your body. She’s thorough and thoughtful. Her willingness to help a complete stranger speak volumes about the person she is. I will forever be grateful for meeting her. I trust her advice and consider her part of my healing team.”

– Lori Ann

“What a beautiful story Rebecca tells. I am so proud of her and for her - at such a young age to take cancer on with such grace and insight!"

– Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, Founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror and Author of “Never Fear Breast Cancer Again”

"I have continued to learn and grow as part of the Solis Cancer Community, and have found a place where my feelings and concerns have been validated. Being diagnosed with cancer can often be a very lonely journey, but each time something she shares resonates with me, it makes me feel a little less alone. It has been nearly 3 years since my diagnosis, and I still constantly learn new things from Rebecca. Whether you are newly diagnosed, or are many years into your cancer journey, I highly recommend joining Rebecca and her Solis Cancer Community."

– Jane G.K.

Fresh Blog Posts

What Cancer Taught Me – A Poetic Writing
What Cancer Taught Me – A Poetic Writing

How we show up for our toughest Challenges shows us who and what we are. I not only love myself but have admiration. I learned more of who I am and also who I don’t want to be. And that is I will not keep trying to fix others and let go of trying. It has brought me so...

Want support, resources, healing tips and tools, and more? Join us in the Solis Cancer Community Facebook group!

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