Diving deep into my journey with cancer and how it has forever changed me in so many unexpected ways with the hope that I inspire others to believe in their strength and their ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable challenges in their own lives.
Below are my most recent posts. I cover a wide array of topics; everything from diet and mental health tips and tools, to alternative therapies and new research, to my favourite anti-cancer and health products. So, check back often 🙂 Explore the subcategories under the “Blog” dropdown menu above to discover past posts, or if you are looking for something in particular, use the search bar above or to the right to see if I’ve written about it.
The Cold Quadfecta, Part 2: Vitamin D and Xylitol
Here in Canada, winter is coming! And that means one thing for sure, colds and flus will soon be abounding. Yuck. While this is definitely an inconvenience for anybody, for those who are majorly concerned about the state of their immune system (such as those...
The Cold Quadfecta, Part 1: Vitamin C and Oregano Oil
Okay, so I don’t know if “quadfecta” is a word or not, but I’m using it anyway! The cold and flu season can be a stressful time for those going through and recovering from cancer treatment. Our immune systems are down or not at 100% because of the effects of...
Being diagnosed with cancer can be isolating and lonely, and I felt this acutely in part because of my young age. I’ve written before about the difficulty of relating to others post-diagnosis, and this feeling fits in there. It feels indescribably odd to receive a...
Exploring Medicinal Mushrooms: Part 3 – Reishi Mushrooms
We continue our dive into mushrooms with a heavy hitter: reishi mushroom! Most things that are good for us don’t taste great, and unfortunately, the reishi mushroom is part of this camp. As a result, this mushroom doesn’t have much use in the culinary world, but there...
Does Everything Really Happen For A Reason?
This can be a polarizing one, and it’s a topic that receives much debate between those who believe it does and those who don’t. Personally, I do believe everything happens for a reason and I almost always have, ever since I was a teenager struggling to get over the...
Asking for Help
I like to say I’m a recovering people pleaser. I mean, I had it bad, and it’s still something I struggle with. There are a few places this stemmed from I think, some bullying as a kid, feelings of low self-worth in relationships, and the loss of my father when I was...